The morning after the night before...
Well there you go. If you want it, you get it!
So off did I toddle to Patricia last night. The 'foam party' hadn't yet begun when I got there, though the plastic sheeting was everywhere. Patricia is on 4 levels, each of which has bars and dancefloors. It is a FEEYUSS venue. So the foam was in the basement, and I went out to the top deck (since, after all, it is a ship!). I bumped into various people from the choir, and some from the Pub Quiz team. It was fun. I had some G&T courage prior to leaving Nacka as well. So I was a bit tanked.
I went into the schlager disco room to dance to Ruslana 'Wild Dances', and suddenly I was dancing back to back with a boy who seemed to be very much enjoying my dancing. 'Ey oop' thought I. We kept on dancing. It was fun. Handclapping the 'hey's in Ruslana is always fun.
So then the next record came on and he moved away and motioned to me to come and keep dancing with him. Dancing. Eye contact. Dancing. Alcohol. And then KA-DING! Suddenly our tongues were very much better acquainted. It's weird how it happens, hey? You can feel it is coming for a few seconds then, hello, AK-SHUN.
I have not, as I intimated, had a snog in months. I was v happy. Snogging RULES.
The boy in question, who shall remain nameless, was v insistent on us getting a taxi back to his flat for some 'acquainting' of a more intimate kind (innit?) but Finda stood firm, and said 'Nope, not my thing. But we can snog some more here if you want'. So we did, and we chatted and he seems like a good sort.
It turned out we live in the same part of town. So we got the same bus home (Skinflint pride!) and snogged all the way. Wrongness! But rightness at the same time. We were snogging all over the place. In the bus station. Outside the club. Did you get the idea about us snogging yet? I HEART SNOGGING.
I woke up today thinking 'Bloody hell, take a little step, watch the waves!'. I am not ready quite yet for a new thang. Or maybe just not with him. I don't know.
In any case, he has my number, and has not used it. Ditto for me. So we might just be popping this into the 'ace snogs of 2006' category. It has been rather empty!
Good points of boy in question: could NOT believe I was single, and that I wasn't having 65 shags a week. Thought I was hot. Well, that goes without saying, non? Was a good snog. Knew all the words to Carola's various choons.
Less good points: did not have one good word to say about Linda Bengtzing. (VADFAN???)
OK this ranks as one of my shallowest ever posts. I am aware of this! I must be feeling a tad tabloid. Now, is 7 p.m. 'hair of the dog G&T time'?
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