Hello. Haven't been on for a few days. Oops. Today I have reached the 2-week mark of being in Sweden. Am feeling a bit sorry for myself. This may or may not be related to the fact that I have been ill since I got here. Not debilitatingly ill, but I had a killer of a cough when I got here, then in the past 2 days, the cough has gone, to be replaced by an eternally running nose. Does one follow the other and is my body (kropp in Swedish) just getting over the assault?
Things with Anissa have been roller-coaster-y. I suppose they would be with a pregnant lady. It all reached a head on Weds, when she woke me up three times to ask for various things, and then she came in and took my travelcard. Now, I know she's not made of money, and me being me, I had lent her my travelcard on a few occasions, to help her out. But as seems to happen with me, the generosity started to be taken for granted. No longer was I offering to help, she was taking. Those of you familiar with the Lisette saga circa 2003-4 will find this story familiar.
So I talked to her about it and we sorted it out. As I said, "Two weeks ago, you didn't even know me, and though we are getting on really well, I don't like being taken a loan of. So don't do it. I won't thank you for it.'
Anyway. It's bound to be that bit more intense given the whole 'I know no-one' scenario. Breathing it in and accepting it is a good look, methinks.
The gay choir here is fun. Lots of them have talked to me, at rehearsal, in gay clubs... One guy even told me he had seen me lolling down Hornsgatan with my walkman, and thus hadn't said hello since I was in my own world.
Nothing new there then! I said next time he should say hi.
Anyway. The snow is back (after looking like it might go away) and it's all white outside. I just got asked if I could interpret in Paris next week! So I might be feeling even more impossibly international in a matter of days!
I may or may not go to Connections tonight. Based on past performance, I probably won't!
Do mail me if you've got a sec. It's nice to know what you're up to!
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