Where are u now?

Tuesday, May 02, 2006

A day is a long time in showbiz...

Hello. Right, so much has happened in 4 or so days! Here is a brief synopsis...

On Friday, Anissa did my head in spectacularly. Not only did I become her secretary, but I was very close to becoming the Bank of Finda, and the chief bag-carrier. She decided it would be a good idea to go to a Buddhist retreat costing SEK 1,500. One problem, that left her with SEK 500 for the rest of May (that is £30).

Do you think it would be humanly possible for me to cook food in the kitchen and eat it while Anissa ate gruel? Do you think she'd kind of understood that? Hi, I'm Johnathon, please take me to the cleaners. No, I don't mind, really, no.

She left after trying to make me carry her bag downstairs (I refused).

And I decided to do something about my situation. Either I was going to come back home, or I was going to find a new place to live. So I chose option 2.

I type you this from a new Stockholm suburb, Nacka. After some frantic emailing and phonecalls on Saturday, I am now a houseguest of the lovely Ulla (a film maker) and her 2 teenage sons Albert (death metal guitarist!) and Samuel (speaks English and French!)

It has been hectic, but I left Anissa a note saying I had had enough. I wished her luck, but said I was her flatmate, not her partner.

When I told Ulla et al about the whole Anissa scene they were aghast. And so was I when I recounted it all.

I am knacked, so will end here. My room looks out onto a LAKE! It is lovely. And we have a dog! Called Tuf. He is a Lassie-dog! And he has impeccable taste, since he loves me!



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