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Sunday, April 16, 2006

Je t'adore!

Hejjjjjj! (this is how Swedish girls say hello. Imagine saying 'Hey' but accenting the '-y' part WAY too much and at a frequency that only dogs will hear. I have really noticed it when at the supermarket, strangely.)

I am listening to/watching the Belgium entry for Eurovision. It is totally great. And in fact even better than the Swedish entry (Linda woz robbed, etc.) It is called 'Je t'adore' by Flemish songstress Kate Ryan. You too can watch it here if you want:

Anyway, Kate's real name is Katrien, so she cunningly made it into two words and -kapow!- an English-language star is born. Right, I am going to upload the front page of her site. You can win prizes if you can find the mistakes in the French. (There are many.) I will upload an 'anal mini-post' with the corrections after. If anyone can think of a suitable prize, do add it as a comment!

Right, I have had a lovely week. It has involved a lot of messaging on internet, perhaps the most exciting thing the internet ever provided! (apart from porn) (and mp3s) (and ability to watch the French news every night). It has also involved an absolute SHEDLOAD of work (you wait for a bus, then 3 come along, and you say 'fucque this, where's my private jet?'). I am still deep in work. But I will do some later after this rant.

I FINALLY went to Connection's on Fri. It is super, free to get in, and plays super dance classics. They were playing the new 12" of Carola's Evighet (in English, 'Invincible') non-stop. They also played Shirley Clamp so I felt honour-bound to dance. Then found myself inexplicably in a tall Swedish boy-sandwich! Can't say I was bothered either way, ackch.

I downloaded Catherine Tait for Anissa's delectation, so now we have a Bosnian Swedish pregnant refugee going round the house saying 'Nah, but am I bovvered though?'. It is surreal!

We went for a super lovely walk for FOUR hours today! Sweden truly is the land that nature chose to make her own. It is just breathtakingly amazingly beautiful and calming. I heart. We borrowed the neighbour's dog, Jessie (how appropriate!) and walked and walked. We took a huge thermos of tea and sat like an old English couple talking about allotments and Swedish etiquette and things of this ilk.

I was supposed to have a date with a boy yesterday. By boy, I mean he was 38, in case my nutcase of a mother is reading this. He didn't ring though! Han ringde INTE! Oh well, his loss. There are loads of crocii (crocuses?) around. It is beautiful. And hardly any snow!

I bought a Swedish-English kids' dictionary (Min forsta engelska ordbok) and it is great. Much better than the grown-up (vuxen) dictionaries, which have no colour pictures. I mean, a dictionary with no pictures? HELLO!! I also bought a DVD with lots of Swedish pop vids on, including one by a Swedish indie group called 'Raymond & Maria'. This has always confused me, because there are 2 girls singing and I'm thinking 'Is one of them called Raymond?' I still don't really know. BUT imagine my surprise when upon viewing the video, I realised with UTTER DISBELIEF that it was made OUTSIDE MY HOUSE!!!!!!!!!!

I almost shat myself, really. (Paul, sorry doll, eat my jealousy pie!). I have this new software that lets u take pictures of DVDs as they are playing, so I will attempt this technologically v hard feat and you too can see the distinctive 'yellow houses with red roofs'-ness that is Midsommarkransen (Midsummer laurel crown!) where I live. It was so amazing to see it on screen. I was like 'ANISSSAAAAAAAAA! Kom hitt! NU!'

Right, back into the depths of Air France luxury air travel with me.

Sweden rocks. I am HAPPY today! I know I'm quite happy most of the time anyway, but today I really feel it. It makes me want to cry actually! Which is q paradoxical. But TACK SA MYCKET SVERIGE. You rule!



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